Friday, January 8, 2010

Figuring out the blog & other things

Miranda & Miranda on Christmas Eve.

Maddie & Miranda at Six Flags

Carson & Conner pretending to be Santa & Rudolph

Cliff and me waiting in line for the Judge Roy Scream!

Well, here I go - another day another dollar. No not for me anyway. It is Friday and many people are out making a dollar. I am home another day freezing - 19 degrees outside. We built a fire even though I am not really a pioneer woman at all. Carson prayed to Jesus that our fire would start quickly and He answered our prayers. I am not very talented in the firestarter area. Anyway we are home again because of the boys' colds. I'm hoping that no one else gets them. My husband is out of town coming home today - Yay! I have just been reading blogs, doing laundry, cooking, and doing a smidget of cleaning. I have no idea what the weekend will hold because of these temperatures. I am guessing we'll do lots of card playing. We haven't played a game in 4 whole nights. We're due. I am going to attempt to add pictures to this thing but while I am not a pioneer woman, I am also not a modern computer woman either. I'm not quite sure where I fit in with all the labels. I'm still working on that.
I did it!!! I'm so excited. I finally figured out pictures. I'm not quite sure what I was doing before because this was not that hard. It could have been my other computer. Yes, I will blame it on that. Well, I'm looking forward to recording our day to days with you in the internet world. Even though I know it is really just for my own selfish desires because I am scared I will have alzheimer's one day and this will be the only way my kids will know what happened in their early years. Until tomorrow or the day after...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

new year - new post

Wow!!! It's a new year already. Where did 2009 go? Hopefully I will be able to post more this year than last. I think I only did 2. I absolutely love reading blogs but I have not got into a habit of writing them yet. I'll tell you what it was though, I couldn't load photos so I got frustrated and have not returned until now. I know that is silly but that is the way I am sometimes. Today is a special day. The Texas Longhorns play for the national title in college football against the Alabama Crimson Tide. Hook ' em Horns!!! The boys are all dressed in t-shirts and the Colt McCoy jersey. We're ready! We're eating chili at my mom's and watching some of the game there. So exciting! My uncle is still in the hospital and we're praying for a quick recovery for him and my sweet aunt. I hope he stops running fever. Mallory received her letter jacket this week. So surreal. Cliff said that reality has sunk in when he saw it. Maddie & Miranda will be honored next week at the school board meeting for their uil accomplishments. Carson & Conner are fighting off the croup virus. It's been hard getting back into a routine but we're managing like we always do - crazy! Until next time...maybe I will post pics.