Thursday, July 23, 2009

We were able to celebrate with my sweet younger brother, Joey, on his birthday.(July 20) It was an impromptu visit. But aren't those the most fun. We had burgers, hot dogs, dip, birthday cake, and fun while we went exploring behind their house in a place where people get dirt. The kids called it the mountains and the grand canyon. They don't get out much. Even my mom, dad, and poor overdressed husband made the trek. Husband had to use the water hose when he got home to wash all the red dirt off his dress shoes. It was quite the fun until I had to carry my youngest dressed as spider man all the way back home through briars I might add. He complained of being hot. I don't know why, it is perfectly normal to put on a long sleeved, long pant outfit on top of your shorts and tee to go hiking in Texas...when your 3. Anyway it was a visit I'm glad we had. I even posted pics.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Spilled Tea, and unwanted Happy Meals

Well, here goes day 2...Today I had to go to the orthodontist for a financial meeting for Mallory's up and coming braces. It didn't go very well because I had misunderstood the financing options or I was told something besides what really happened...anyway we have got to get that started because Mal has some serious jaw issues. If the braces do not work she might have to have jaw surgery some I am praying they will work. She will have to wear rubber bands all of the time to try and push her bottom teeth to make them straight up and down instead of the reclining position they are currently standing in...Dee Dee took the 2 sets of twins to Henderson's joy times 2. They all selected their fav toys of the hour and were very well behaved so she said. I dropped them off and picked them up from there. Then we went to McDonald's and had lunch. I have never had a whatacatch with as much tartar sauce as I had today. Usually I think the s-wich could have a little more but today it was dripping out all over the me some tartar sauce. The girls ate and played very nice...the boys ate when we got home...of course not Mcdonald's leftovers (yuck)...crackers, bean dip (Carson's fav at 3 years old), cheezits, orange juice, hamburger bun, and sour cream and onion chips. Appetizing isn't it? I don't know why I bother...yes I do...for the toys!!!
It was a really nice summer outing until...I went to get a sip of my just refilled iced sweet my lap the refreshed new ice and tea went...coldness!!! I had to pull over to get rid of all the ice. I drove the rest of the way home sticky and wet...yuck...that's what I get for thinking I look cute in my little outfit. Then when I do finally get home...there are a couple of guys in the back yard digging so we can pour concrete for Mad & Mir's new room...had to explain what they cared but it did look like something else had happened in my cute little shorts.
Like I said yesterday...this is mostly for my enjoyment...who would want to forget spilling tea all over themselves and more importantly...who else would want to read about it?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Popcorn popping, fort building, and rain

Well, hello everyone. This is my very first time to try this blogging thing. I love to read blogs but never thought I had time to do it. But the more blogs I read I realized I wanted and needed to release my thoughts and document some memories for my family. I cannot promise to put anything down worth anyone's reading but I am mostly doing this out of selfishness for my children.

Today began unlike other days we have had this summer. It was dark, thundering, and raining outside. Here in east Texas, where we have not seen much precip this summer, it was a nice change. So after coffee, of course, and a shower, I built both sets of twins an indoor fort complete with an old comforter comfy bottom to lounge in. The boys were extremely excited. The girls not so much except for getting to eat popcorn in it when otherwise banned from the living room. They have a had a great they have decided to watch a movie from their comfy abode.

So to say all of that...that's how I am able to begin I hope a fun journey into the blog world. Hopefully next time I post, I will have a funny story or some important info I think the world needs to know.